Harry Potter - Golden Snitch 2


jobs i think might like or be good at

Essa lista ficou boa pra caramba. HAHAHAH
Mas eu já dise que vou fazer de tuuuudo *-*

Jobs i think might like or be good at:
  • Assassin
  • Photographer: Fashion, advertising, portraits (especially of musicians), food, journalism
  • Full-time writer: Probably not a good idea since it takes me a millenium to write anything. I've just about given up on my dream of writing a novel.
  • Hairstylist: I like playing with hair.
  • Artisan: Im good with hand woks.
  • Designer:But really, I just want to make my own home look fantastic.
  • Illustrator: I really like collors *-*
    • {need more imagination}
  • Producer
  • Musician: I want be a rockstar
  • Psychologist : Particularly for teens
  • Architectural designer
  • Fashion designer: To provide people with high-quality, attractive clothing at a reasonable price. To make clothes that suit my taste.
  • Graphic designer
  • Dog trainer: Or anything with animals because I love them more than I do people.
  • Bum

Tô com soninho. G'night.

xoxo I.

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